Turning the Tables

The Best Dressed Chicken 12 Chefs of Christmas 'Thank You' Dinner

The cool afternoon breeze, the melodic music, and the elegant decor created the perfect ambiance for the Best Dressed Chicken as hosts Christopher and Sally Levy turned the tables on the 12 Chefs of Christmas, treating them to an appreciation dinner last Sunday.

After working through the holidays to fulfill the culinary wishes of the winners in the Best Dressed Chicken 12 Chefs of Christmas Promotion, it was time for the chefs themselves to be pampered and feted. With guests in tow, they heeded the clarion call to the Levy’s residence for an evening of celebration which marked the culmination of the third renewal of the Best Dressed Chicken consumer promotion.

Catered by Chef Mark Bennett – the Head Chef for the Jamaica Broilers Group, the enviable menu featured The Best Dressed
Chicken, Deboned, Stuffed with Sweet Potatoes and Raisins; Garlic Shrimp, Grilled Tenderloin Steak in a Red Wine Reduction with Mushrooms, Pak Choi Chinese Salad, Greek Salad and of course, Jamaican favourite, Rice and Gungo Peas.