Prospect Primary Graduation 2017 - Seven years of Amazing Prospects!

Top student, Jaheem Fearon receives his $10,000 book voucher

Jelani McCarmoc receives his gift basket

Breanna Johnson receives her gift basket

Receiving a Certificate of appreciation from past student Renaé Bailey for outstanding contribution to the PSA and the school.

 The graduating class

2017 Amazing Prospects

It’s simple... “Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi. 

My personal journey inspired me to start Amazing Prospects, a charitable initiative which rewards the top Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) students at Prospect Primary in the hills of North Central Clarendon. As a student at the school, securing a prize at the annual prize-giving ceremony was a key motivational factor in my exceptional performance. Every year, I won a prize, and I focused and worked assiduously to maintain my grades to win again the following year (encouragement does sweeten labour). My desire to create a lasting impact wherever I go kept my performance at peak level even through high school, university, and even now as I focus on my career, and life overall.

It’s officially seven years since I started Amazing Prospects! Whew, how time flies! I’m elated at the opportunity to influence a positive change in the world. Through Amazing Prospects, I hope to inspire the next generation to work harder, to achieve more, and to reach the heights we once thought impossible.

It was heart-warming to see one of my top students from 2012 – Keleen Bailey – delivering greetings on behalf of the past students at the recent graduation. She spoke eloquently about her years at the Prospect Primary, securing two GSAT scholarships to Glenmuir High, the top-ranked high school in Clarendon (and #12 ranked in the Jamaica); and about graduating just over a month ago. Another past student, Kean Wright recently completed lower sixth form at Meadowbrook High, and has secured a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information to study Business Education at the University of Technology (UTech) starting in September. Plus there are several students at Clarendon College, Edwin Allen High and Vere Technical who have benefitted from Amazing Prospects, and who continue to be a beacon of excellence.

In keeping with a promise I made at the start of the academic year, I presented a $10,000 book voucher to the top student Jaheem Fearon, who has secured a place at Clarendon College. Rounding off the top three students overall were Jelani McCarmoc and Breanna Johnson who secured passes for Edwin Allen and Vere Technical respectively. As is customary, all top students received stationery and “pocket money”. This year, they had the ideal sweetener in the form of a gift basket courtesy of Charles Chocolates.

Words can’t express my appreciation to all those who contributed to the prizes this year – Charles Chocolates, Dr. Brennan who delivered fully on a promise he made 2015; Damian and Aldene Hewitt; Carlinton Burrell; Everton Anderson; Kevin ‘Papouch’ Stewart; and Simone Vaughan. To those who have assisted over the years and were not able to make a contribution this year, I say thank you as well. I appreciate your encouragement, and I look forward to your support for the upcoming year.

Kimesha Walters
Amazing Prospects.